Learn skills such as crocheting, knitting, felting and embroidering.
Do you enjoy having fun with others, working with your hands and learning about fiber arts?
The North Dakota State University Extension Service is sponsoring “String Things,” a 4-H fiber arts retreat, Aug. 26-28 at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck.
For more information, contact Query at (701) 231-5923 or sharon.query@ndsu.edu.
Source: North Dakota State UniversityThe North Dakota State University Extension Service is sponsoring “String Things,” a 4-H fiber arts retreat, Aug. 26-28 at the Comfort Inn in Bismarck.
The retreat will offer workshops on embroidery, crocheting, knitting, macrame, kumihimo and felting. Participants will learn about these skills and how to share them with others.
“This will be a great opportunity for improving your skills or learning new skills,” says Sharon Query, a 4-H youth development specialist who helped organize the event.
This retreat is for Extension agents, 4-H volunteers and youth 14 or older. Attendees will receive instructions and resources to enable them to be a resource person for their county/area.The cost is $100 for a double room ($175 for a single room) and $25 with no lodging. Register before Aug. 19 to secure a room.
Registration information is available at http://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/4h/Training/FiberArtsRetreatStringThings.pdf.For more information, contact Query at (701) 231-5923 or sharon.query@ndsu.edu.
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